• O.O. Trut Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: analytical tools, feedback, information, communications, mechanism, organization, management sys-tem, strategy, software


The article considers the components of the information and communication mechanism as an important tool for implementing the strategy of the organization and improving the effectiveness of the management system. The purpose of the article is to systematize and clarify the scientific and theoretical foundations of the information-communication mechanism of the strategic management system of organizations, justify the need for modern analytical and software tools in the management systems of domestic organizations and enterprises. The role of information-communication support in the implementation of the strategy of the organization is determined. The use of single-loop feedback during the hierarchical approach to the formation and implementation of organizational strategy is argued. The role and place of constant feedback with a double loop in the information system of strategy implementation of a modern organization is proved. Strategic feedback provides information on the implementation of the strategy and test-ing the hypothesis of the relationship between strategic goals and initiatives. Formal and additional informal factors influencing the information flows of the organization's strategy are identified. Methods of communication improvement that ensure the effectiveness of information exchange in the process of implementing the strategy are considered. Tech-niques that affect the effectiveness of interpersonal communications in the organization are considered. It is argued that the constant modification of communication links strengthens mutual understanding between employees of the organi-zation and ensures the effectiveness of the strategy. The role of the formal structure and culture of the organization in the choice of methods of dissemination of information and coordination of actions to implement the strategy of the or-ganization is determined. The analytical and software tools of a modern manager for successful implementation of the organization 's strategy are substantiated.


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