Peculiarities of economic systems functioning from the standpoint of their static and dynamic efficiency are considered. The influence of the dominant sensory culture of the West - nihilism - on the ways to ensure profitability from economic activity, in particular through technogenesis, is clarified. The impossibility to deduce the idea of devel-opment from the cognitive pattern of the normative standard of static efficiency - market homeostasis is substantiated. The market is interpreted as an informational mechanism to ensure the insiderism of new combinations in the mode of dynamic efficiency as the only condition for the company’s profitability. Profit is interpreted as income for the produc-tion of information - a measure of the removed uncertainty of orderly existence, given in knowledge through the mani-festation of qualitative properties of before non-existent things. The organizational status of the alpha-pattern of the Schumpeter’s innovator in the structure of the trialectic paternal configuration of the microlevel of the basic paternal business triads is asserted. The function of the beta-pattern is performed by the venture capitalist, and the homeostatic gamma-pattern is performed by the marketer, who personifies the purpose of the system - the distribution and revenue appropriation from the products market sales. Insiderism of new combinations of innovative implementations trigger cumulative circles of growing profitability in the mode of innovations diffusion. The principle of distribution is closely related to the mentality of implementers: the maximum profit is received by implementers of 1-2 levels; competition in the market intensifies in 3-4 stages, and the 5th category of implementers represents homeostasis without profitability of the technological project due to the equalization of the average rate of return.. At the stage of homeostasis, the gamma pattern acquires organizational status and appeals to the resource of power for paternalistic guarantees of profitability. Cultural narratives initiate behavioral patterns of transforming a commercial dream into financial values by changing the world through IT-technologies. It is emphasized that the appeal of the gamma-pattern to the services of the power takes place at the meso-level pattern of power, that also represents a paternal trialectic configuration: alpha-pattern - knowledge, beta-pattern - power and gamma-pattern - wealth. Knowledge acts as an organizational pattern, because it offers new projects of existence based on the extended utilitarian senses of human existence. In the industrial age, ap-peal to the power gave rise to authoritarian political regimes and large monopolies, as well as provided synchroniza-tion and standardization of production and distribution. The modern digital economy is an information network of asynchronous bifurcations of the time landscape, where standardization as a fact of pioneer success, subjected to mi-mesis, is compressed in time, giving way to segmentation and personification of intellectual goods. The appeal to the resource of power in the post-industrial economy forms a special homeostatic pattern of the meso-level of the basic paternal triads - the "iron law of the oligarchy".
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