• Ju. V. Poliakova Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • O. Y. Shayda Lviv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: metallurgical industry, global economy, export, competitive advantages, efficiency of activity, smelting of steel and pig iron


The article is devoted to the analysis of characteristic features, problems and prospects of development of the metallurgical branch of Ukraine in the conditions of action of global factors. Peculiarities of functioning of the world market of metallurgical products, in particular its geographical structure, competitive advantages of metallurgy of China, Japan, India and the USA are listed. Using the On Front application package, a DEA analysis was used to assess the performance of leading metallurgical companies from the annual global ranking "Global 500" based on input variables - indicators of company assets and number of employees, and output variable - revenue, which allowed to determine optimal use of resources by these enterprises, which they direct to production activities. Given that the priority of the national economy in the face of intensifying competition at the global level of metallurgy and dynamic changes in its conditions should be to find effective ways to further develop its own metallurgical industry, attention is paid to clarifying modern features and issues of export industry that is influenced by both internal transformations and global factors. The current rating of Ukraine in steel and cast iron smelting on the world market is shown. A compara-tive analysis of the industry development, its inefficient technological structure and lag behind market leaders in a number of key characteristics is done. At the same time, a number of threats and challenges have been identified for the domestic industry, which have both internal and external origins. On the basis of the conducted research the perspec-tive directions of further development of the domestic metallurgical branch are substantiated, which cover structural and geographical diversification, reduction of dependence on foreign energy sources and practical introduction of pro-gressive innovative decisions.


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