The article considers the influence of emotional intelligence on the effectiveness of professional functions performance as well as the relationship between the ability of the employee to manage emotional intelligence and the results of his work. Subjective and objective indicators that affect the emergence of different types of emotions are iden-tified. The classification of external and internal structure-forming factors of emotional intelligence of the employee is given. The subjective and objective components of the emotional state of the individual, which form the reaction to stress factors and the level of comprehension of the stimulus, are considered. The main indicators of sustainable behav-ior of employees and its impact on the functional efficiency of the performed duties are identified. It has been proven that an employee's ability to manage emotional intelligence affects the effectiveness of his work and the possibility of career growth or rotation in the organization. The national indicator of Ukraine in the world rating of happiness as a base in the development of the emotional background of the population is given. It is proved that the lack of measures in the staff development model that allow you to manage the emotional state of the employee can lead to a number of neg-ative consequences, which are presented in the article. It is determined that the professional development of staff should be planned taking into account the profile and personal competencies. The model of professional development of the personnel taking into account subjective (locally oriented) competences is developed. The relationship between key success factors and staff professionalism through the prism of emotional literacy is outlined. It is proved that the emo-tional state of employees of non-productive enterprises determines the state of purchasing behavior and consumer read-iness for trade.
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