• I. M. Shyndyrovskyi Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: agent, broker, wholesale trade, retail trade, trade entrepreneurship, mediation


In a market economy, trade entrepreneurship becomes a priority, as the effective functioning of this sector of the economy has a positive effect on reducing social tensions in society. The article considers the essence and features of trade entrepreneurship, describes its functional structure. The composition of activities related to trade entrepreneurship is studied. It is determined that some questions concerning the modern structure of trade entrepreneurship, peculiarities of implementation of separate kinds of such activity, are debatable. Trade entrepreneurship is defined as economic activity carried out by economic entities in the field of trade, aimed at the sale of industrial-technical and consumer products, as well as ancillary activities that ensure their sales through the provision of appropriate services. Approaches to assigning certain types of economic activity to specific sections and groups of the State Classifier of Economic Activities are determined. The normative-legal regulation of trade activity is investigated. Requirements and recommendations for the organization of certain types of trade activities of economic entities in the field of wholesale and retail trade are formulated. Features of the organization of intermediaries activities are considered. The problems of commercial interaction of certain types of intermediaries with suppliers and buyers of goods are investigated. It is substantiated that trade entrepreneurship is an economic activity carried out in the field of trade. The State Classifier of Economic Activities in Ukraine has combined the main types of existing forms of trade entrepreneurship in Section G “Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles”. The functional structure of the sphere of circulation includes wholesale and retail trade. According to the results of the research, the essence and prospects for trade entrepreneurship development are determined.


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