• O. V. Kolyanko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: corporate culture, corporate relations, corporate management, levels of culture, values, morality


The article examines the role of the system of values, beliefs, expectations, symbols, as well as business principles, norms of behavior, traditions, rituals that have developed in the organization or its units during the activity and which are accepted by the majority of employees. Basically, corporate culture is an invisible part of the organization. Each level has the composition of certain elements, but the boundaries between the elements of corporate culture are mostly blurred. Corporate culture is a factor that contributes to the growth of employee potential and long-term prosperity, stability of organizational structures, coordinated and creative work of staff with full efficiency. It is the corporate culture that can give informal legitimacy to certain management methods and support the motivation and efficiency of staff. Corporate culture is presented as a multilevel structure with vertical and horizontal, direct and feedback relations. Above it and beyond it stands morality as a supra-corporate and suprapersonal concept. It should be noted the importance of external manifestations of corporate culture, such as trademark, corporate identity, rituals and holidays, heroes and myths, style of behavior. It is concluded that corporate culture, which is one of the main factors determining the functioning of the organization and the behavior of its members, can be considered, on the one hand, as a product of the organization functioning, and on the other - as the basis of its formation. The more effectively the organization works, the more it contributes to the growth of material and spiritual benefits of its employees, the whole society, the greater the contribution of corporate culture itself to this work, the more these aspects converge. It is proved that with the development of spiritual and material production, intellectual and educational component of labor potential, the role of corporate culture significantly increases.


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