The article reveals the essence of the concepts of "emotional intelligence" and "creativity", reflects the re-lationship between the categories studied in the works of J. Guilford, P. Torrens, Y. Wexler, A. Maslow and E. de Bono. The analysis of the definitions of "emotional intelligence" and "creativity" was accomplished. J. Guilford's experience in the influence of ways and circumstances of thinking on the formation of an employee's creative skills is studied and structured. A model in the form of a cube is proposed, in which the coordinate axes act as materials, operations and results. The research of P. Thorens is actualized, in which the main factor of formation and revealing of creativity are the factors of unfavorable external environment. The relevance of E. de Bono's statement about the formation of crea-tivity as an integral characteristic of existing physical and intellectual abilities, as well as behavioral characteristics of individuals is noted. R. Sternberg's driving forces and obstacles to the development of creative abilities are described. It is revealed which competencies of emotional intelligence will lead to the development of creative thinking according to D. Goleman. A high level of correlation of predispositions and abilities of individuals with a high emotional intelligence and creativity was revealed. The ways of development of the empathic component of emotional intelligence are defined. The concept of the organization of an innovative direction taking into account the purposes and levers of development is proposed. It is concluded that the concept of creativity captures a set of features of psychics and intelligence that provide productive transformations in the individual’s activities, developing, connecting with his leading motives and manifesting itselves as the abilities to productive changes. Identifying the close relationship between emotional intelli-gence and creativity will allow the HR manager to select the most optimal staff in terms of integral features.
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