• Yu. B. Myronov Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • V. A. Mykyta Educational and Scientific Institute of Entrepreneurship and Ad-vanced Technologies, “Lviv Polytechnic” National University
  • O. R. Svatiuk Educational and Scien-tific Institute of Entrepreneurship and Advanced Technologies, “Lviv Polytechnic” National University
Keywords: digitalization, digital marketing, COVID-19 crisis, SEO, SMM, contextual advertising, targeted adver-tising


The article discusses theoretical approaches and practical aspects of implementing digital marketing tools in the activities of enterprises in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting crisis in the markets of goods and services. This article is an update of the study of the impact of digital marketing tools on the company’s ac-tivities during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in 2019-2020 and offers the development of a methodology for over-coming a crisis situation with the least possible losses. The article describes the theoretical foundations of managing the level of income, the activities of an enterprise under quarantine restrictions, and the influence of factors on its func-tioning. The authors have developed practical measures to introduce innovative digital marketing tools into the activi-ties of enterprises. The research methodology used, namely: methods of analysis and synthesis, concrete and abstract, qualitative and quantitative analysis, comparative characteristics, economic and statistical methods, system assessment, sampling, generalization, comparison, methods of graphic representation of data allowed to analyze the activity of the enterprise in the conditions of the pandemic and determine the effects, advantages and efficiency of the implementation of digital marketing tools in the practical activities of a market enterprise. The study of digitalization and digital mar-keting technologies allows to justify the feasibility, develop and implement own methods, since the Ukrainian marketing system has a number of special features in its origin and essence that allow to use unadapted methods in practice. The authors propose a set of measures to ensure the effective operation of the enterprise in the context of quarantine measures and related restrictions on the markets of goods and services. Digital marketing only secures a reputation of an alternative and effective methodology that has virtually no barriers for functioning. Appropriate and correct use of digital tools and services will not only help to strengthen the company's position in the market, but also will allow to expand markets despite the quarantine restrictions, to work for increasing profitability. Perspective directions of fur-ther scientific researches in this direction are identified.


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