• N. I. Fedynets Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • N. B. Bilozor Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: staff, social partnership, social and labor relations, contract


The article examines topical issues related to the regulation of social and labor relations on the basis of social partnership. The purpose of the article is to define social partnership in the context of social and labor relations, to determine the main tools of social partnership as a means of preventing further confrontation of social relations participants, to analyze the legal framework for settlement of social and labor relations, to clarify the problems of social partnership in the field of trade. The significant interest of the scientific community is the confirmation of the urgency of this issue. The study found that social partnership is a universal tool for building relationships among participants. It is revealed that at domestic trade enterprises the regulation of social and labor relations is carried out mainly on an administrative basis through a system of managerial decisions and methods of management. The use of administrative methods and authoritarian style of management of processes in retail chains often leads to staff dissatisfaction and increased levels of conflict in the team. It is argued, that the contractual basis for regulating social and labor issues of modern trade enterprises should have a certain legal basis, and its content is determined. It was found that there are a number of problems in the use of social partnership as a method of regulating social and labor relations in a trade enterprise. The structural and logical scheme of social partnership as a method of regulation of social and labor relations at the enterprise is determined. It is concluded that in the settlement of social and labor relations at a trade enterprise is necessary to focus primarily on the conclusion of a collective agreement. Further research may be aimed at developing an effective mechanism for solving problems that prevent the use of social partnership for regulation of social and labor relations.


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