• І. І. Svydruk Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • O. Yu. Klepanchuk Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


The article is devoted to the identification and generalization of the prerequisites for institutional regula-tion of the domestic market development in Ukraine in the context of globalization. Socio-economic imbalances that led to the deterioration in effective demand, budget deficit and banking crisis in Ukraine are analyzed. It is determined that the processes of integration and globalization change the nature of economic relations, scaling the main market mech-anisms based on the division of labor on the world market, which operates not only economic but also social, political levers, further deepening the division of labor in new forms of their modern manifestation, such as specialization, con-centration, cooperation. It was found that the incorporation of the fundamental rules of the WTO allowed to expand the domestic market of Ukraine. Insufficient efficiency of institutional factors influencing the quality of functioning of the domestic market is confirmed by Ukraine's weak positions in international rankings. The transformation of the institu-tional foundations of social welfare aimed at overcoming poverty and increasing the level of public income is analyzed as well as their positive impact on the improvement of the social security system is determined. Institutional reform programs developed with the assistance of the World Bank and the IMF are highlighted. It is shown that the greatest positive impact on the development of the domestic market was carried through: rejection of currency regulation, tax consolidation, improvement of public investment management, personalization of social support, simplification of con-ditions for doing business, introduction of tax methods of anti-crisis regulation. It is concluded that the institutional factors influencing the efficiency of the domestic market are not used effectively enough. Further research is proposed to focus on a detailed analysis of institutional tools for activating the domestic market functioning in Ukraine.


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