Prospects for sustainable development of the restaurant industry of Ukraine are determined not by short-term profits, but by applying a customer-oriented strategy of service aimed at increasing competitiveness and, as a result, achieving economic effect in the long run. The article considers the role of staffing in the formation of customer-oriented service in the restaurant industry. It is proved that the main player that implements customer-oriented service at the restaurant enterprise is its staff. The author's algorithm of formation of the personnel client-orientation is developed. The importance of the balance of interests and corporate values of the enterprise and staff is substantiated, as well as the effectiveness of the formation of employee loyalty to the enterprise due to the openness and accessibility of management is proved. A model of the relationship between the needs of the enterprise, motivational incentives, the needs of the employee and his contribution to the formation of customer-oriented service is proposed. The importance and dominant role in the formation of staffing of customer-oriented service of the training process and continuous self-development are outlined. The main methods of training both at the employee's workplace and outside it are characterized. The practice of training customer-oriented staff by foreign enterprises of hotel and restaurant industry, which is based on the Japanese kaidzen management system and provides continuous development of customer-oriented staff, creates conditions for high adaptation of staff to various changes in the restaurant industry is studied. The application of the method according to the Kolb Cycle model is substantiated. The importance of different types of staff customer orientation in terms of value and efficiency of the restaurant business is shown.
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