The basic elements of information exchange at telecommunication enterprises are defined in the article. The classification of information channels of telecommunication enterprises is given. The factors that influence the choice of the information channel when transmitting information are highlighted. The factors that influence the capacity of information channels of telecommunication enterprises are presented. The purpose of the article is to analyze communications and information channels of telecommunication enterprises. It is determined that information and communication are closely interconnected, since it is communication that ensures that stakeholders receive particular information. The task of the communication process is to provide understanding of the received and exchanged information by the subject. The communication process even in one direction goes through many intermediaries, since when transmitted, information is delayed and distorted. In addition, the information may be converted depending on to whom it is addressed. The efficiency of a particular information channel depends on how well it is adjusted to the information to be transmitted. Empirical studies show that managers at different levels spend between 50% and 90% of their time on communications, that means they are engaged in the process of communication to fulfill their roles in interpersonal relationships, technological processes, decision making, planning, accounting, analysis, control and organization of decisions implementation. It is proved that analysis of information channels of telecommunication companies will help in timely and correct transmission of information in the internal and external environment of the enterprise, as well as will improve the quality and efficiency of the enterprise activities in general.
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