The article examines the structure of a person who imports, manufactures, sells and distributes pornographic objects in Ukraine. It is indicated that the importation, production, sale and distribution of pornographic items in Ukraine is a fairly "young" criminal offense, which can be explained by the peculiarities of the mechanism of its commission and the content of the act itself. The need to use information technologies requires subjects to have certain knowledge and skills that allow them to implement illegal intent and ensure the latency of their actions. It is proven that most of the considered socially dangerous acts are based on a selfish motive. The determining factor of criminal offenses against morality in general and the considered act in particular is the excess of growing up. Attention is drawn to the fact that foreigners are often complicit in the investigated criminal offense, which is due to their cross-border criminal cooperation. However, since the production of pornographic materials must take into account the mentality and interests of consumers, the citizens of the country often commit such an act. Encroachment on morality in the sphere of sexual relations is characterized by a low level of social responsibility due to the lack of proper upbringing. Taking into account this factor is important from the point of view of forensic tactics of interrogation of the subjects of the criminal offense provided for in Art. 301 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. It is concluded that the subject who commits a criminal offense provided for in Art. 301 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, for the most part, is characterized by such signs as: 1) degradation of personality with destruction of family values; 2) deformation of legal consciousness; 3) transformation of moral principles; 4) the predominance of the adaptive mechanism of reproduction of value orientations over the leading one; 5) revaluation of socialization gains.
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