Keywords: forensic characteristics, mass riots, investigation method, crime


The article analyzes the provisions of the forensic characterization of crimes, in particular the forensic characterization of mass riots. Forensic characteristics are the basis for the formation of the investigation methodology, as it covers the typical signs and properties of certain types of criminal offenses. Forensic characterization as a component of the investigation methodology provides a detailed description of the crime. The study of the signs of mass riots within the framework of forensic characteristics is caused by the need to develop theoretical and methodical material regarding the specifics of these crimes, their detection and termination, as well as forensic support for investigation and investigative (search) actions. Forensic characteristics of mass riots is a detailed description of the main typical signs and characteristics of mass riots, which was developed as a result of the study of scientific provisions, analysis of the investigative and judicial practice of investigating the specified crimes, which is important both for the construction of a separate methodology for the investigation of mass riots, and for determining the direction of their investigation. The study of the forensic characteristics of mass riots contributes to the development of wellfounded methodological recommendations for the investigation of these crimes, in particular, the provisions of the initial and subsequent stages of the investigation, the definition of typical investigative situations and versions, the circumstances to be proven, the peculiarities of the tactics of conducting investigative (search) actions and the appointment of forensic examinations. This contributes to timely counteraction and cessation of mass riots, increasing the effectiveness of pre-trial investigation, minimizing the time of investigators and operatives during investigative (search) actions and operational measures. The content and features of the elements of the forensic characteristics of mass riots have been determined. The structure of the criminalistic characteristics of mass riots includes the following elements: a) the method of committing the crime; b) subject of direct encroachment; c) the person of the offender; d) identity of the victim; e) the circumstances of the commission of the crime; e) typical traces of a crime.


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