Keywords: special regime, pre-trial investigation, undercover investigative (detective) actions, initial data, evaluation


The purpose of the article is to single out the parameters of investigative situations, as they are formed during the conduct of the SIRA in the conditions of a special regime of pre-trial investigation, according to the evaluation criteria: categories of persons who commit crimes under martial law; types of crimes that are inherent in the commission of each of the specified categories; types of SIRA, which are the most effective for carrying out in the specified situations. In the article, the parameters of investigative situations, as they are formed during the conduct of the SIRA in the conditions of a special regime of pre-trial investigation, are highlighted in the assessment criteria of which include: categories of persons who commit crimes under martial law; types of crimes that are inherent in the commission of each of the specified categories; types of SIRA, which are the most effective for carrying out in the specified situations. Persons – as objects of the SIRA are classified according to certain parameters, namely – subject (by type of activity; the presence of the opportunity to commit a crime; according to certain parameters of social and criminological characteristics; the presence of collateral data indicating their participation in the commission of a crime); object (being in a certain place, for example, at the location of radio equipment, etc.); role (performance of specific functions, for example, in the occupation administration, etc.); tactical (taking into account the possibility of conducting a certain SIRA against a person); qualifying (possibility of qualifying a person’s actions under certain articles of the Criminal Code). Specific SIRA , most expedient for carrying out in certain situations, are defined, namely: (audio-, video control of a person; removal of information from electronic communication networks – control of telephone conversations, removal of information from communication channels; establishment of the location of radio equipment (radio-electronic means); monitoring of by a person in publicly accessible places.


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