Keywords: executive proceedings, salary, pension, stipend, debt, recovery amount, terms, debtor, taxes, fees, arrest


According to Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Bodies and Persons Enforcing Court Decisions and Decisions of Other Bodies", the enforcement of court decisions and decisions of other bodies (officials) is entrusted to the bodies of the state executive service and to those specified by the Law of Ukraine "On Executive proceedings" cases – on private executors. The procedure for enforcement of court decisions and decisions of other bodies (officials) is also regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Executive Proceedings» The conditions for collection of wages, pensions, stipends and other incomes of the debtor in the pre-war period are considered. The expediency of the amendments to the legislation regarding the procedure for the execution of some legal acts in executive proceedings during martial law has been established. The information on the change of location of the bodies of the state executive service or on the determination of the body of the state executive service, which will rely on the authority to enforce decisions, the place of execution of which is the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, is determined. The prohibition of opening executive proceedings and taking measures to enforce decisions on the territory of territorial communities located in the area of military (combat) actions or under temporary occupation, encirclement (blockade), according to the list approved by the central executive body, which ensures the formation of and implements state policy on issues of the territory of Ukraine temporarily occupied by the russian federation, as well as its adjacent territories. The procedure for interrupting the terms in executive proceedings and their restoration after the end of martial law has been established. A conclusion was made regarding the need to stop the enforcement of the debtor's salary, pension, stipend, and other income (except for alimony enforcement decisions and decisions for which the debtors are citizens of the Russian Federation).


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