The relevance of the article lies in the fact that railway transport is one of the most important types of transport for the economy of Ukraine and its population. Management of railway transport requires a responsible and efficient approach, which must take into account legislation and the needs of society. Today, the railway transport of Ukraine needs significant renewal and reform, because the existing forms of management are not always effective and do not meet the needs of society. In this regard, the creation of new and improvement of existing forms of ensuring the management of public railway transport in Ukraine is an urgent task for scientists and legislators. It was concluded that ensuring the management of public railway transport in Ukraine is a variety of methods, means, procedures and approaches that are used and implemented, in particular, by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to ensure effective management of railway transport in Ukraine in order to achieve strategic goals and objectives of management in the field of railway transport Such forms of management of public rail transport in Ukraine can be: 1) legal forms of management support, such as legislative regulation of the activity of rail transport in Ukraine, adoption of normative legal acts regarding traffic safety and the technical condition of railways; 2) financial forms of providing management, which include providing financing for the railway industry, financial monitoring and auditing, determining tariffs for the transportation of goods and passengers; 3) organizational forms of management support, which include the organizational structure of the railway, personnel management procedures, establishment of a quality management system; 4) technical forms of management support, such as the use of modern railway management technologies, the introduction of new technical solutions to improve traffic efficiency and safety; 5) social forms of management support, which include the provision of social guarantees to railway workers, the provision of occupational safety and health of workers, the development of social infrastructure on the territory of railway stations.
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