Keywords: harmful information, false information, information security electoral process, information campaign.


Research focus on misinformation, information disorder, social media and their place in political advertising. This article discusses the definitions that form the basis of Ukraine disinformation policy, and analyzes national legislation applicable to the definitions of disinformation. The accent is being made on regulation of disinformation delivered via digitally mediated platforms is at a crossroads. It is also shown that social media has become a predominant source of information for many citizens, who take part in election. The danger of this phenomenon is explained by studying political processes in Ukraine and other democratic countries. There is also shown all negative impact, which disinformation makes during the election process. The article describes that disinformation has reached crisis proportions. It also presents various concepts of disinformation as harmful information, inaccurate information. The main goal of the paper is to define disinformation as a modern phenomenon catapulted by social media usage is key to assessing its current impact and understanding its current framing. It has been founded that a broader look into place of disinformation in political advertising gives the opportunity to protect people from negative impact, which can be done by other countries. In the article proposed to begin scientific dialogue, which will cover all spheres. It is concluded that research on this topic has developed unevenly. Theoretical approaches to general understanding of information campaigns are given. Summing up the results, it can be concluded that the government is the main driving force in the process of information protection. This article has clearly shown that, all researches give us the dynamics of activities, which happens in Internet and global web is the main field of battle.


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