The article examines the trends of criminal deaths in Ukraine by analyzing statistical information that reflects the state of this type of crime, its dynamics, and geography. An increase in the specific weight of certain types of intentional murders, which are committed under aggravating circumstances, has been established, the overall array of criminal assaults on life is predominantly formed at the expense of "ordinary" murders (domestic, situational, etc.).If in the 90s the potential murderers were persons serving sentences for relevant crimes, members of the organized groups, persons who were on the register, and the victims were entrepreneurs, wealthy citizens, persons who had power or a sphere of influence, then nowadays, a potential murderer is any member (father, mother, one of the children) of every tenth, usually uncharitable, family.The victim is the same family members, neighbors, acquaintances, etc. It is clear that in such a situation, law enforcement officers are simply not able to effectively carry out preventive activities, take measures to prevent intentional murders and attempts on them, because there are too many people to prevent them (including victims with provocative behavior).Despite the decrease in the total number of intentional homicides over the past decades, changes in the structure of intentional homicides, and a decrease in the total number of homicides committed under certain aggravating circumstances, this area currently requires priority attention from law enforcement agencies, the state, the development of effective measures to prevent these dangerous encroachments, the creation of and implementation of effective measures to protect life and health of citizens. It was determined that victimological prevention should occupy one of the leading places in the system of preventive measures directed against intentional murders and attempts on them. We justified this point of view in the previous chapters, where it was noted that the victim of a crime has a special place, and in crimes against human life and health, the person of the victim plays, sometimes, an even more significant role than the criminal himself. After all, in such cases, the criminal's job is only to be provoked (angry, jealous, etc.) to commit a certain sequence of actions, which will lead to the death of the victim (or an attempt). At the same time, the victim of the crime, along with the criminal, had to be in a certain place, at a certain time, create or "beat" a specific situation of the crime and cause the criminal to "desire" to commit an offense against him.
2. Костенко О. М., Ілікчієва К. І. «Сімейний агресор» як спеціальний суб’єкт насильства щодо жінок. Прикарпатський юридичний вісник. 2011. Вип. 1. С. 185–193.