The author considered the peculiarities of the almost 15-year codification process of concluding the Draft of Codex Theresianus of 1766 in the Habsburg Monarchy. At the same time, first of all, the state of scientific research of the specified problem was analyzed both in the Ukrainian historical and legal science and in the science of the history of Austrian law, as well in the 19th century, so in the present. The article discloses the prerequisites for concluding the Draft of Codex Theresianus. The main focus of the research is on highlighting the stages of long-term codification work on this Draft, each of which produced a different version of the Draft of Codex Theresianus. Therefore, the author clarified the reasons and specifics of the activity of several codification commissions for the development of the Draft of Codex Theresianus. Therefore, the article describes the peculiarities of the content of the revisions of this Draft concluded by the Compilation Commission in Brno, the Legislative Commission headed by Josef Azzoni and the Legislative Commission headed by Hofrat Zenker. Namely, the author established that the Compilation Commission (mid-1753 – mid- 1756) concluded the first part of the Draft "On the Law of Persons" and partially developed the second part "On Property Law"; the Legislative Commission chaired by J. Azzoni (mid-1756 – late 1760) concluded a new edition of the first and second parts of the Draft; and, finally, the Legislative Commission headed by H. Zenker (end of 1760 – end of 1766) approved the final Draft of the Codex Theresianus. Moreover, the author found certain differences in the structure of these editions of the Draft. The article also outlines the reasons for the non-approval of the Codex Theresianus due to a number of its shortcomings. In conclusion, the author justified the historical and legal significance of the Draft of the Codex Theresianus of 1766 and established the continuity of the Austrian civil law doctrine from it to the General Civil Code of the Austrian Empire in 1811.
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