The article explores the importance of defining principles of foreign economic policy in the context of digital transformation. An analysis is conducted, justifying the necessity of incorporating such principles into the strategy of relevant policies, as they determine the general direction of a country's actions in the international economic environment. It is established that formulation of such principles within the framework of digital trade agreements is not an effective approach, because each country possesses its own unique characteristics and interests, that it seeks to lobby for. This can lead to differences in approaches between partner countries in determining the legal framework of foreign economic policy and disrupt the effectiveness of the implementation of such policy at the national level. Drawing from international experience a classification of principles for Ukraine's foreign economic policy is proposed. This classification includes general (fundamental) principles such as national interests, active multilateralism, support for open and regulated trade, prioritizing key partners, strategic diversification, promotion of ecological and social sustainability, human rights protection, increased transparency and participation, flexibility and adaptability, as well as alignment with domestic policy. It is argued that a clear definition of the prerequisites for social sustainability in the implementation of foreign economic policy and ensuring a balance between them is an important task for the successful implementation of the relevant principle in Ukraine. Furthermore, it is suggested to single out the principle of integrating the digital economy as a key principle of foreign economic policy in the context of digitalization. The research makes a valuable contribution to understanding the contemporary challenges and opportunities in the field of foreign economic policy within the framework of digital transformation. The information provided in the article offers a basis for the development of effective strategies for the country's development in the global economic environment. Future research directions may include an examination of specific practical steps for implementing the highlighted principles and their impact on international relations and the country's economic development.
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