The article analyzes the concept of the information society as transition phase of civilization on the way to a new state, when information processes become decisive. The problem of the human "myself" is increasing: it means, the magnitude of the consequences of decisions made by a person, and his/her ability to respond to information flows. Dangers that are created by new technologies are emphasised — using their ability, increases the possibility to establish control over human behavior. Many researchers present information technology exclusively as a headway corresponding to changes in society lifestyle. Warnings that rationalistic concepts of total control will inevitably require institutionalized violence, if not today then in the historical perspective, are ignored, and also the fact that violence can take completely different forms than primitive coercion. The information society at the present stage of its development is a combination of technological achievements, rather vulnerable to the dangerous consequences of their usage in the society, and the formation of a new type of political-legal, socio-economic and cultural relations. The most obvious example is the usage of democracy instruments (majority votes) in order to damage human rights and freedoms. Changes, in the context of cultural tradition crisis, can threaten and harm all social relations based on human rights and freedoms. Developing an information society, and creating an enabling environment for intellectual pursuit and proper evaluation of the achievements of human intelligence, it is necessary to provide space for both personal freedom and the effectiveness of state institutions that are capable of protecting it.
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