• M. D. Zaritskyi Vyshnya College of Lviv National Agrarian University
  • N.O. Galushka Vyshnya College of Lviv National Agrarian University
Keywords: court costs, court fee, exemption from court costs, taxpayers, economic process, access to justice


The article is devoted to the analysis of the essence and content of the institute of legal expenses in economic legal proceedings. The types and composition of court expenses in the economic process are determined. There are ways to overcome financial obstacles when appealing to a court. The notion of court fee and expenses related to the case, the amount of court fee, the procedure for its payment, return and exemption from payment, privileges, deferral or installment of court costs are described. A particular attention is paid to the issue of expenses related to professional legal assistance and the involvement of an expert in business law as a novelty of the economic process. An attention is drawn to the fact that the size of the expenses for the work of the expert, specialist, and interpreter involved by the party should be commensurate with the complexity of the work involved, its the amount and time spent on performing the work It is concluded that on the one hand, it is important to avoid excessive cost of justice for those who are involved in the trial, and, on the other hand, to ensure high-quality and fair economic justice, which requires considerable expenditures.


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