• R. V. Zvarych PVVZ King Danil University
Keywords: regulatory function of law, evolution of the regulatory function of law, legal system of Ukraine, Ukrainian statehood


The article analyses the historical peculiarities of the transformation of the regulatory function of law in Ukraine. Based on the civilization approach, the main stages of the development of the regulatory function of the national law are systematized. In accordance with the aforementioned periodization of the Ukrainian state and the law, an important role of the regulatory function of law in determining and consolidating the legal status of a person and the formation of Ukrainian statehood was substantiated. As a result of the study, the author concluded that the evolution of the regulatory function of law in the process of formation of the main stages of Ukrainian statehood is as follows: 1) the interweaving of the customary and written norms in the ancient and medieval era was due to the clear legal regulation of social relations and the definition of the status of a person in time Kievan Rus, domination of the postulate of the people’s power in the Cossack law, restriction of personal rights and freedoms in the conditions of loss of national statehood; 2) with independence, approval of an understanding of the regulatory function of law, as one that must not only streamline social relations, but also influence the society and the state on a regular basis, with the aim of the autonomous existence of individuals in a civil society and the observance of the fundamental principles of law, is taking place.


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