• M. S. Kelman Institute of Law and Psychology of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic"
  • N.T. Koval Private Higher Educational Institution of the King Danil University
Keywords: law, law enforcement, law state


By the base purpose of reformation, to realization subsequent harmonious development is related state — legal system, there is a construction in Ukraine of the legal state. Confessedly, there is that embodiment of fundamental principles of conception of the legal state, foresees priority of interests of person, freedom and inviolability of citizens, limitation of political power, a right, overcoming of negative consequences of totalitarian the pas promotes democratization of public life and establishment of the real legal order. At the same time, 3 Constitutions of Ukraine fasten an item the idea of the legal state and much to our regret, so far does not find the realization. Given out, that for forming of the legal state as special form of mutual relations of the state and civil society not enough legal confession of man by a higher value, fixing of principles supremacies of right and division of vlad, guaranteing of confessedly political and economic rights. Practical embodiment of conception of the legal state requires native transformation of all elements of the derzhavno-pravovoy system, with that the functions of the state were carried out such methods and methods which would answer the ideals of justice and humanism, provided the real supremacy of right and guaranteed the real responsibility of the state before citizens. Incredibly high meaningfulness in Ukraine of the legal state fully explains actuality of research of any subject which is related to its forming. Thus by virtue of that realization of the proper task appears difficult enough and contradictory, enhanceable actuality development of problematiki acquires just in applied its aspect, that related to the search of ways and facilities of realization of ideals of legal society in practice. Especially important is an analysis of questions of the principles of the legal state related to realization in pravozastosuvanni. From one side, forming of such state can not be well-to-do only only due to the improvement of pravotvorchei practice, humanizing and actualization of current legislation. It is possible only wherein legal norms get practical embodiment and above all things — in activity of the legal state. From other side, principles of organization which will be realized in today’s everyday practice, unfortunately, and realization of pravozastosovnoy activity appeared not adequate the idea of the legal state.


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