• M. B. Stiranka Lviv State University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: separatism, territorial integrity, legal protection, national security, countering, criminal and legal liability, crime


It is given characteristic of doctrinal approaches to the category of separatism in the context of protecting the territorial integrity and countering separatism in Ukraine. Conclusions are drawn that on the modern stage of state development there is no adequate mechanism of separatism countering in Ukraine. The article analyzes the theoretical and normative aspects of the concept of separatism and the reasons for generation of this phenomenon, presents a classification of the types of separatism in accordance with specifc criteria as well as the types and forms of separatist movements that could be defned as some activities aimed at implementing separatism. Separatism and its manifestations can be classifed according to various criteria that allow us to identify their types and forms. The proper qualification of a separatist movement is required in order to assess the validity of separatists’ claims and to develop some strategies for the effective resolution of a conflict. The theoretical and methodological basis of separatism is analyzed, the problem of definition this phenomenon is investigated, the main reasons of separatist tendencies is clarified, and the main forms of their manifestations are singled. The level of scientific development of separatism in the works of domestic and foreign researchers is studied. The perspectives of using mechanisms to prevent the use of separatism to destabilize the situation in states and in the context of the international political situation are described. It is considered that international organization, negotiation, economical and political sanctions, international law, international convention, peacekeeping troops are the most effective international mechanisms on combating separatism.


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