• V. Ya. Burak Lviv National University named after I. Franko
Keywords: labor rights, protection of labor rights and legitimate interests, self-defense, collective labor disputes, strike


The article analyzes the content of workers’ rights to strike, as well as the forms of its implementation. It is noted that strike is a type of collective self-defense in case of violation of labor law and legitimate interests of employees. The emphasis is on the conditions for realizing the right to strike. It is proposed to amend the current legislation in order to improve the procedure for the implementation of this subjective right, as well as to improve the order of its announcement. The restrictions on the implementation of the right to strike for certain categories of workers are analyzed. The order of establishing the minimum of necessary work for maintenance of vital activity of the enterprise as conditions of the legality of the strike is indicated. Taking into account international experience, attention is focused on the possibility of applying a lockout during a strike.


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