The article analyzes political and legal views of Saint-Simon in the context of a technocratic approach to the problems of state and law. Ideas of the thinker are revealed by using a comparative approach. Saint-Simon shaped his views under the influence of two revolutions: the American Revolution and the French Revolution. He participated in both of them and in following after them events. All what he saw and rethought under these circumstances prompted Saint-Simon to conclude that attempts to change this world for the better using violent coup is inefficient and have opposite consequences. At the same time it is obvious that existing social relations are ineffective and unsuitable for current technological progress. Saint-Simon defends a view that the core for change of society is a human. To improve public relations it is necessary to create conditions that promote elevation of educational and cultural level of citizens, create opportunities for free realization of creative potential. Therefore he consistently develops the idea of improvement and self-improvement of a human, his morality. At the same time, Saint-Simon offers institutional mechanisms for reforming of a society. As the best way for achieving this he considered preserving of private property and strengthening of the state control over economy at the same time, and also empowering professionals in various fields to take control over economy and policy, in modern terms — give the power to the technocrats. In general, views of the thinker remain relevant for today due to a balanced combination of understanding of the weight of a human personality and technological changes which make life of a human less difficult.
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