The article deals with issues of state control as an effective means of improving state authority in Ukraine. The author analyzes the laws that provide for the possibility of exercising public control over the activities of state power. It is made clear that the Constitution of Ukraine provides for the right of citizens of Ukraine to take part in the management of state affairs, which includes state control over public authorities and their officials acting as objects of public control. It has been determined that the subjects of such control are public organizations, political parties, trade unions, youth organizations, bodies of self-organization of the population, individual citizens. The author came to the conclusion that the legal and normative base gives grounds for a choice of a number of forms of exercising public control: 1) the appeal of citizens, through which they inform state and non-state institutions of the execution, execution or inadequate execution of them or their subordinate bodies or institutions of social functions, and require action; 2) state expert examination conducted by an independent group of specialists; 3) public hearings on issues of important public significance of actions or intentions of state authorities and local self-government; 4) monitoring of the activities of state authorities.
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