• Y. O. Mallik Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: state sovereignty, globalization, integration processes, European Union, international community


article defines and investigates factors, as well as models that influence the change of the essence of sovereignty of states in a globalized world. It is established that intergovernmental integration processes, which acquire a systemic character, significantly change not only the traditional content of the category of state sovereignty, but also acquire new organizational and legal forms. It is revealed that there are factors that influence the process of changing national sovereignty, among which one can distinguish the following: technological and social changes, the desire to avoid wars, the presence of global problems, uniting countries, processes of regional convergence, the need for joint efforts to solve and to resolve the contradictions, and to increase the number of democratic regimes in the world. A number of reasons that affect sovereignty and in the future can lead to its significant limitation by new factors in the system of international relations: the formation of a single global economy, changes in the system of international relations and the constant increase of international governmental and non-governmental organizations, global environmental problems that all have a greater impact on the world community, cultural globalization that changes people's minds, integration processes and globalization.


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