Keywords: P. Bubela, trial,


The purpose of this article is to reveal the legal conflicts in the life of Peter Bubela (three trials with his participation – 1911, 1919 and 1931) – one of the leading Galician military figures, a lawyer by education, who during 1908-1913 studied law Faculty of Lviv University. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity and systematics. The following specific historical methods were used in the study: problem-chronological and historical-biographical. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that on the basis of published and unpublished sources (archival documents) and scientific investigations the causes, course, consequences of three lawsuits in which P. Bubeli had to participate in different capacities are considered. At the trial in 1911, P. Bubela acted as an accused by the Austrian authorities in the image of the religious feelings of the peasants at a meeting of the community of the village of Lysynychi, which took place in 1910. At the trial in 1911, P. Bubela was sentenced to two weeks in prison. subsequently a fine. During the period of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic (WUPR-ZUNR) P. Bubela was a member of the Galician government, held the position of Deputy Secretary of State for Military Affairs. In 1919 he took part as a military lawyer and a representative of the authorities in the trial of General M. Tarnavsky. From 1920 he lived in Odesa. In 1931 he was arrested by the Soviet bodies of the State Political Administration (SPA-DPU) and accused of anti-Soviet activities, in particular of participating in and leading a so-called military group. The "Ukrainian counter-revolutionary organization" that allegedly operated in the Odesa region was part of the All-Ukrainian National Center, led by M. Hrushevsky and G. Kossak, and was preparing an armed uprising against Soviet rule, membership and leadership of the Odesa branch of the Ukrainian Military Organization (UMO-UVO). After a closed trial, the DPU's "judicial trijka" sentenced P. Bubela to three years in prison camps. Rehabilitated posthumously in 1989.


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