Keywords: state support, protectionism, agribusiness, agriculture, subsidies, subsidies


Trends in the development of agriculture and its importance for the economy of Ukraine are reflected in the areas of research in the field of agrarian law, which has an impact on the growing interest of the scientific community in agrarian and legal issues. In the conditions of the tense world market, despite numerous international agreements, the state support of the national agricultural producer in the majority of the developed countries steadily grows. Ukraine, whose economy is organically and inextricably linked with agriculture, is also in dire need of refinement, reassessment of the system of state support for agriculture, in-depth analysis of the legal basis for its provision, identifying ways to improve and further develop agricultural legislation in this area. It should be noted that the legislation in the field of state support of the village is relatively young, as it appeared only with the acquisition of independence by the Ukrainian state. The need to regulate these relations arose when agriculture began to operate on a commercial basis, relying on the laws of a market economy, but requiring special targeted action by states for their sustainable development. In fact, the emergence of legal regulation of state support for agriculture is associated with changes in the economic sphere of the Ukrainian state. However, despite the importance of this relationship, the legislative provision on state support for agriculture has a number of characteristic shortcomings. First of all, they are manifested in the fact that the agrarian legislation of Ukraine on state support of agriculture is now one of the most dynamic components of the legal system of our state. Increased variability of regulatory requirements in this area increases instability and does not allow to achieve the main goal of protectionist measures - to create favorable conditions for agricultural activities and protect the rights and interests of domestic agribusiness entities. Unstructured and fragmented agricultural legislation on state support, combined with increased dynamism, exacerbates the problems of its practical application. Large-scale case law on the provision of state support for agriculture reveals additional legal issues that need their theoretical, legal and legislative solution.


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