• V. O. Reznichenko
Keywords: institution of higher education, individual administrative act, individual administrative act, individual act, public administration, subjects of public administration


The concept of public administration of production and circulation of medicines is formed in the article. It is determined that the issuance of individual acts is the most common way to implement the administrative powers of public administration. It is emphasized that many problems in the field of higher education are related to the imperfect system of public administration, which is why the study of the publication of individual acts as a tool for public administration of higher legal education in Ukraine is relevant. It is substantiated that an individual act is a tool of public administration, which is issued by the subject of public administration in order to resolve a specific life situation. The author’s list of individual acts in the field of higher education is formed on the basis of acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science, the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and heads of higher education institutions. The author’s definition of the concepts “individual acts in the field of higher education” is given. It was found that the issuance of individual acts is close to the normative, but not identical to it. The difference between them is that individual acts establish, change or terminate specific legal relationships. They differ from the normative ones in that they are addressed to specific subjects of administrative relations and their effect ceases after the exercise of their established rights and responsibilities, ie after their one-time application. It is concluded that individual acts in the field of higher education are the most common way for public administration entities to exercise power to ensure the constitutional right of Ukrainian citizens to higher education, ensuring the public interest of the state and society in this area, their essence is that they establish, change or terminate specific administrative legal relations and apply to specific subjects and objects of administrative and legal regulation of higher education, their effect is terminated after the exercise of their established subjective rights and legal obligations, ie after their one-time application.


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