Keywords: forest, natural resources, forest resources, forest protection, preservation and reproduction of forests


The forest is a resource-raw material and plant-berry supplier that needs state protection and regulation of use. These and many other issues lie in the legal plane and forest relations are regulated by law. It is noted that biological, chemical and other characteristics of natural objects are not always automatically accepted by jurisprudence, the law forms the concept of natural objects, guided by its criteria, and these concepts may coincide, but may differ. That is why the legislator should not avoid legal conflicts by using similar terms, as this practice contributes to even more confusion and the emergence of new legal conflicts. The terms “land” and “land plot” in most cases cover not only the space above and below the earth’s surface, but also the soil cover located within this space. At the same time, there may be situations when the term “land”, “land plot” will not cover the soil. In the case where the soil cover is removed from the natural environment, ie the soil ceases to form a soil cover and is placed, for example, in a flower pot, it will not be covered by the concept of “land” or “land plot”, and the relationship the object of which will be the soil in the pot, will not belong to the subject of land law. It is noted that the forest is a natural, reproducible object of nature, an element of the ecological system, consisting of trees, shrubs, other forest vegetation that grows on the ground; source of wood and other forest products, it performs climate regulation, protection, water protection, sanitation, health, recreational, aesthetic, educational and other functions that affect each other and the environment. The forest as an object of nature has the following features: the object of flora, registered in the state forest accounting documents as a forest, the object of ownership, management, use and protection; biological, biophysical, natural and cybernetic, economic system; reproducible object of nature; consists of tree-shrub and herbaceous vegetation that grows on the ground; produces a variety of raw materials; affects the natural environment.


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