Keywords: administrative-legal regulation, principles of administrative-legal regulation, mechanism of administrative-legal regulation, method of administrative-legal regulation, social dialogue, social and labour relations, social purpose


The article reveals the specifics and content of the modern method of administrative and legal regulation of social and labour relations in Ukraine. It is argued that the signs of the method of administrativelegal regulation of labour relations are those properties that are objectively and naturally conditioned by the subject and actually by administrative-legal regulation. It is proved that accuracy in determining the methods of administrative-legal regulation, which affect each other by combination and ratio, allow you to take into account dynamism, transformation, differentiation of signs of social and labour relations, to form new forms of labour organization, to determine the further regulation of social and labour relations on the relevant Levels for optimal combination and taking into account various interests, both at the level of enterprise, industry and state. It is emphasized that the strengthening of the contractual principles manifested itself in the refusal of the state from the regulation of some elements of social and labour relations. This allows us to assert a certain change of the method that is characterized not only by a combination of centralized and local, but also state and contractual regulation of labour and other directly related relationships. It is emphasized that the differentiation of administrative-legal regulation of social and labour relations should be put forward the direction of the method – methods of administrative and legal regulation: state (centralized), collective-contractual (local) and individual contractual regulation of social and labour relations, which will take into account A special approach to the regulation of special subjects of social and labour relations, thus ensuring the equality of rights and opportunities in the work of all subjects of social and labour relations. It has been established that one of the main means of ensuring the dynamism of the method of administrative-legal regulation of social and labour relations is the introduction of a multi-level administrative-legal regulation system, which is predetermined, first of all, by dualism of the sphere of social and labour relations, which combines elements of public and private law. As a direction in the development of domestic legislation, it is indicated on the strengthening of the differentiation of administrative and legal regulation of social and labour relations, indicating a certain transformation of the method, such its rice as unity and differentiation of administrative and legal regulation.


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