The article considers bribery to manipulate the results of official competitions (Article 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). This problem is characterized in terms of the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention against the Manipulation of Sports, the Law of Ukraine of 03.11.2015 № 743-VIII «On Prevention of Corruption Offenses on the Results of Official Sports», as well as the Criminal Code of Ukraine. It is established that the reference in this international document to the purpose of obtaining any unlawful benefit for oneself or others identifies bribery in sport as a means of manipulation. Signs of bribery identified in the regulatory legislation of Ukraine have been identified. These include: 1) bribery – an independent form of corruption that affects the results of official sports competitions; 2) the subject of bribery – money, securities, other property, property services, other benefits and advantages; 3) bribery includes only the provision of benefits and advantages, not covering the offer and promise to provide illegal benefits; 4) bribery is expressed only in active actions, ie covers only the provision of benefits and advantages and does not include their receipt; 5) the subject of bribery is a person endowed with general characteristics, and the addressee of the bribe is a special victim (athletes, persons of auxiliary sports personnel who participate in sports competitions, officials in the field of sports); 6) bribery can be considered a completed crime from the moment the subject receives an illegal benefit, regardless of whether there was a real manipulation of sports competitions. The signs of bribery are established and characterized in part 1 of Art. 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: 1) general criminal, not corrupt nature of bribery; 2) it is a way of action (influencing the results of official sports competitions); 3) involves only the active behavior of the subject; 4) includes only the provision of illegal benefits, and not the offer and promise to provide it; 5) subject – illegal benefit; 6) subject – general.
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