Keywords: electronic justice, judicial system, artificial intelligence, information and communication technologies, human rights, virtualization of law


The article examines the impact of the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT), in particular artificial intelligence, on the modern judicial system and legal practice. It takes into account both potential benefits and possible risks of such use. The judicial system, like any other legal phenomenon, is transformed and updated under the influence of external factors. The virtual environment, the development of scientific and technical progress affects all social and legal spheres, and the judicial process was no exception. The author examines the arguments of supporters and critics of the use of ICT in justice, including issues of accessibility, discrimination and technical limitations. In addition, the article analyzes deep philosophical and legal problems related to the use of artificial intelligence in the judicial system, such as the role of the human judge and the possibility of replacing him with algorithms. Based on the different perspectives of legal scholars and practitioners, it is concluded that it is important to ensure a balance between technological innovation and the human factor in the judicial system. Careful consideration of this balance will allow the development of justice based on modern technologies, ensuring justice, humanism and protection of human rights. The role of electronic justice in increasing the efficiency of the judicial system and the accessibility of justice for citizens and enterprises was also investigated. The advantages of using information and communication technologies in court proceedings, such as electronic submission of documents and electronic planning of court hearings, are discussed. A conclusion was made about the potential ability of electronic justice to increase the efficiency and transparency of the judicial system in Ukraine. It is indicated that another significant advantage of e-justice is the reduction of bureaucratic obstacles and the improvement of administrative processes in the judicial system, the introduction of digital tools allows the automation of many routine tasks, such as keeping records of cases, scheduling meetings and processing documentation. This helps to increase the productivity of court employees and reduce the time needed to resolve cases, which in turn improves the quality and speed of providing court services for citizens and businesses.


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