• B. P. Ratushna Lviv National Agrarian University
Keywords: right to work, jurisdictional forms of protection of labor rights, judicial protection, civil justice, simplified proceedings, European Court of Human Rights


The article provides a scientific analysis of theoretical and legal views and civil procedural legislation, which reflect the legal regulation of judicial protection of labor rights in Ukraine. On the basis of the research of scientific works concerning the identification of effective forms of protection of labor rights, the arguments were made that judicial protection is the leading form of legal protection of labor rights in Ukraine. On the basis of the analysis of the current Civil Procedural Code of Ukraine, it has been established that labor rights are protected in accordance with the procedure of civil proceedings in the course of simplified prosecution proceedings. The peculiarities of consideration of labor and other cases in the form of simplified lawsuits are revealed and characterized. The stated arguments that the disadvantage of legal regulation of consideration of labor cases in the form of simplified lawsuits is that the consideration of such cases may take place without calling the participants of the case, appointment of court sessions and conducting court debates, which may significantly affect the fairness of the trial. In order to further improve the implementation of civil justice in cases arising from labor relations, it is proposed to amend the order of simplified lawsuits and impose on the court the obligation to consider labor cases in a simplified lawsuit in a court session with the notification of the parties at the request of it at least one of the parties to the case.


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