• O. V. Nastasiichuk Chernivtsi Administrative District Court
Keywords: Karl Larenz, jurisprudence of weighing, weighed decisions, legal enforcement (subsumption and weighing), evaluation, philosophy of law, juridical methodology


The article deals with solution, within the frame of Karl Larenz’s (1903–1993) scientific school and on the background of formation of the so-called jurisprudence of weighing, of the problem of weighed decisions (Abwägungsentscheidungen) in practice of legal enforcement. The article focuses on answering two questions: firstly, on what basis the aforementioned school is growing within the context of the aforesaid problem, and, secondly, what innovations in this case this school undergoes. In both cases, Thomas Riehm’s contribution to the analysis of the problem of weighing is analyzed. T. Riehm is the “scholar’s scholar”, that is, the scholar of K. Larenz who was the scholar of Claus-Wilhelm Canaris. К. Larenz, C.-W. Canaris and Т. Riehm represent the respective scientific school in the aspect of formation of the theory of juridical weighing. Finally, it is shown that the philosophical-legal and methodological concept of legal evaluation (Wertung), which is a key concept in K. Larenz’s legal understanding and which is the basis of his so-called jurisprudence of evaluations which, in its turn, along with jurisprudence of interests, theory of juridical argumentation and court practice, is among the cornerstones for the formation of the jurisprudence of evaluation. It is mentioned that the jurisprudence of evaluation is to some extent a prolongation of Eugene Ehrlich’s free finding of law on the whole and the analysis of interests weighing in particular. A very serious T. Riehm’s innovation is discussed. This consists in scrupulous solution of questions of weighed decisions in the practice of legal enforcement, that is, in integration of weighing into a model of subsumption. The discussion is explained by the fact that К. Larenz was of diametrically opposite opinion where the typical norms as probable result of weighing within this frame were regarded as unsubsumptionable. The article highlights the general strengthening of theoretical-applied significance of weighing in the present-day legal consciousness.


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