In the XXI century, information and communication technologies will become a leading factor that will significantly affect the development of society. Many countries have already realized the benefits of their development and dissemination. Today in Ukraine there is a tangible need to normalize the new relations that arise in connection with the rapid development of computer technology. One of the priority areas of construction and further development of the information society in our country is the creation of a regulatory framework that regulates information relations at the legislative level. Legislative relations related to information and information and communication technologies have been identify as a priority. Thus, the Agreement between Ukraine and the EU on scientific and technological cooperation (July 4, 2002) defines the technologies of informatization of society among the eleven areas of cooperation. The Law of Ukraine On Priority Areas of Development of Science and Technology identifies new computer tools and technologies for informatization of society among the seven and fifth priorities. Over the last decade, Ukraine has adopted a number of laws and regulations that form the basis of legal regulation in the field of information relations, including electronic document management. The legal framework is built on the principles of information openness and freedom, guaranteed information security of the individual, society, state in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine. The legislation regulates the contradictions between the needs of the individual, society and the state in expanding the free exchange of information and certain restrictions on its dissemination. The development of public relations has become a requirement in general for the development, improvement and updating of the regulatory framework of Ukraine, the creation of special legal norms and rules governing the field of information relations. Solving the problems of reforming the economy of Ukraine and integrating the national market into the world economic system requires the introduction of modern information systems and technologies in the activities of domestic companies. The state and development of e-commerce largely determine the pace of the country’s approach to building an information society, creates a basis for accelerating the integration of its economy into the world. Therefore, the problem of e-commerce development and its implementation with the help of digital platforms in Ukraine is definitely relevant. In this regard, the current regulatory framework governing the activities of e-commerce companies that use digital platforms and their accounting to determine areas for further improvement was analyze. In the course of the research, the methods of systematization and generalization were use during the consideration of a number of normative-legal acts, regulating the activity of e-commerce enterprises working on digital platforms in Ukraine. In addition, the article analyzes the structures such as digital platforms and reveals the economic essence of such a phenomenon as digital platforms and the main approaches to the legal regulation of their use by commercial law. Today, digital platforms are the most relevant and important direction in the development of the digital economy and its most obvious manifestation. Digital platforms are a mechanism by which the transition to digital form of most areas of economic and social activity.
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