The article is devoted to the analysis of the administrative-legal status of public administration entities in the field of pension provision in Ukraine substantiated the thesis that the subjects of public administration in the field of pension provision are a separate category of state bodies with a special administrative and legal status and inherent specific features: they are carried out state-own impact on public administration objects; Their main features are the availability of power powers that allow them to realize their own will in the form of managerial decisions; The legal basis for their activities in the vast majority of cases are the norms of administrative law; In the process of its activities, these subjects use exclusively forms and methods of public administration. The character of the competence of public administration entities in the field of pension provision, in terms of which they are divided into subjects of general, sectoral and special (functional) competence are outlined. It has been established that subjects of general competence carry out administrative and legal coordination of subjects of branch or special (functional) competence, and their tasks are to ensure the implementation of state policy in certain spheres of public administration. For them, public administration in the field of pension provision is an integral part of the main function to ensure the implementation of state policy on certain issues. A circle of subjects of general competence in public administration in the field of pension provision are outlined. It is emphasized that the next level of public administration in the field of pension provision and is embodied in the activities of sectoral competencies, the main task of which is to directly ensure the needs of society in the functioning of the sphere of pension provision, and that it is precisely the tasks of implementing state policy in the indicated sphere. The feature of these subjects is determined, their main task, vertical legal relations and direct subordination, which are formed between the subjects of public administration and objects managed by them. The emphasis is that the group of special (functional) competencies includes state bodies that implement executive, control and supervisory, regulatory and registration-permit function. And which ensure the implementation of state policy in a certain sphere, carry out guidance.
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