• A. B. Medvid Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • Yu. O. Havelko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: information communicated to the person about the reasons for his arrest or detention, the rights of the detainee (arrested), the right to liberty and security of person, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Constitution of Ukraine


The article examines the requirements for the amount of information communicated to a person about the reasons for his arrest or detention, which are set out in paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and in Part 4 of Article 29 of the Constitution of Ukraine. In particular, the legal content of the current convention and constitutional requirements regarding the required amount of sufficient information to be communicated to a person regarding the legal grounds and factual reasons for deprivation of liberty in the form of both criminal and administrative arrest and detention is studied and compared. In this context, the article analyzes in detail the provisions of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Constitution of Ukraine, as well as relevant decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, certain provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine. On this basis, it is concluded that the enshrinement in the provision of Part 4 of Article 29 of the Constitution of Ukraine obligation to inform the detained or arrested person about the reasons for his arrest or detention, directly indicates that this notice can not be limited to notification of legal grounds ( list of articles of legislative acts) according to which arrest or detention is carried out, but also must contain the main factual circumstances that motivate (justify) such actions, their objective reasons. This, in its legal content, not only establishes the necessary constitutional primary guarantees for the protection of a person's right to liberty and security of person in both criminal and administrative procedural aspects, but also fully complies with the legal position of the European Court of Human Rights sufficient information to be communicated to the person in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 2, of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950.


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